Archive for the 'Viral' Category

Bad Ass Rubber Band Double-Barrel Automatic Minigun

UPDATE: This article has been moved to

Someone had fun in shop class. This ‘wooden toy’ is a home-made, twin cannon, automatic, revolving barrel, mounted minigun capable of firing 288 rubber bands in 7 seconds (approx 40 rb/s). It is appropriately named the Disintegrator. The only issue: takes a while to find, pick-up, and re-load hundreds of black rubber bands.

Optical Illusion + Breasts = ‘Wonderful’ Fake Wonderbra Ad

An art director from the UK by the name of Luke created this fake viral ad for Wonderbra using a simple optical illusion, a stock photo of some cleavage and a quick upload to YouTube. Using clever tags like boobs, bangers, breasts, tits, tats, bazookas, jubblies and funbags he managed to get over 75,000 hits in 4 days and is quickly climbing the viral video charts. The Brits sure love their slang.

The execution is interesting, and there’s great potential for this technique, but the ad falls flat by saying nothing about the real benefit or value of the product. Oh… sorry, you weren’t even listening to me, were you?

I’m going to use the EXACT SAME tags as Luke for this post and see how long it takes me to get 75,000 hits.

UPDATE: In four days I managed to get a grand total of 66 hits on this sad story. It looks like WordPress readers are a bit more high-brow than the viewers of YouTube.

The Union of User Generated Content Calls A Strike

In a statement released to blogs and YouTube today, the Chairuser of the Union of User Generated Content (UUGC) MastaMovie, said that Users were laying down their handicams and suspending their YouTube accounts until their demands for a share of Google AdSense was met. “There will be no more anime mashups with pop songs, no more cute puppy videos and definitely no more LolCats,” said the leader of the UUGC during a marathon 2 minute speech accompanied by video of his latest GTA exploits. “We’re the ones entertaining the masses and we demand our 5% share of the revenue stream.” Reports of severe content withdrawal are being reported from around the worl.d

MastaMovie slaughters bystanders while standing up for the rights of his Union.

Four Wheels of Fury: Toyota Tacoma in World of Warcraft

Toyota teams up with World of Warcraft to advertise the Tocoma truck. The results are unexpectedly good. The viral is short, funny, with memorable (and quotable) dialogue.

UPDATE: Duncan’s TV Ad Land has a great article about the creators of this unlikely collaboration.

Player One
I’ve gone ahead and equipped my Epic Axe.

Player Two
Uuuuuh, switching to explosive arrows.

Player Three
Yeah, I’m gonna equip myself with a little, uh… FOUR WHEELS OF FURY!

Player Two (in discust)

Player Three drives Toyota Tacoma towards Dragon.

Player One
No way. (sigh)

Player Two
There’s no trucks in World of Warcraft!

Player Three
Let’s do this!

Player Three and Toyota Tacoma are eaten by Dragon in one gulp. Dragon breaths fire at Player Two.

Player Two (as Toyota Tacoma is eaten)

Dragon grasps chest in pain. There is a terrific explosion as Player Three and the Toyota Tacoma burst out of Dragon’s chest.

Player Three
Did you see me lay down the law? I am the Law Giver!

Durex Performa – Take it slow :)

Viral Video Gets A Theme Song: Internet People

Remember Dramatic Chipmunk? Or Star Wars Kid? Or how about Numa Numa, Napster Bad, Swearing Winnebago Guy, Bert Is Evil, Goatse, Jib Jab This Land, G.I. Joe PSA Body Massage, Your The Man Now Dog, Sponge Monkeys- We Like Tha Moon, Ask A Ninja, lonelygirl15, Chad Vader, Ze Frank, Lazy Sunday, Whistle Tips with Bubb Rubb, George Lucas In Love, Kramer Meltdown at the Laugh Factory, MySpace The Movie, The Chuck Norris List, Mahir The I Kiss You Guy, Leroy Jenkins WOW, Homestar Runner, Grape Stomping Face-Plant, Paris Hilton Sex Tape, All Your Base Are Belong To Us, Coke and Mentos, OK Go On Treadmills Video, The Shining Trailer Remix, Sneezing Baby Panda, Dick In A Box, Rocketboom, Snakes On A Plane Early Auditions , Angry German Kid, Otters Holding Hands, Bridezilla, Steven Colbert at the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner, Little Superstar, Tom Cruise Kills Oprah, White and Nerdy, K-Fed Playing Popo Zao, Boom Goes The Dynamite, Peanut Butter Jelly Time, Christmas Lights Gone Wild, William Shatner does Rocketman, Evolution of Dance, or Chocolate Rain? All of these and a few others are covered briefly.

The Simpsons Star Wars Intro

UPDATE: This article has been moved to

While we all wait for the Star Wars version of Family Guy to come out, along comes this surprisingly authentic-looking Star Wars introduction to the Simpsons. It’s actually a homemade parody by illustrator ‘dude’ Rich Cando. First he’s going to get a big cease and desist from Lukas Arts and Fox. Then he’s going to get a big juicy job offer. On the internet that’s known as a win-win scenario.

Here are some screengrabs for when the video gets pulled:

Simpsons Star Wars 00

Simpsons Star Wars 01
Bart Skywalker and Yoggie

Simpsons Star Wars 02
Darth Homer

Simpsons Star Wars 03
Ned Solo and Chewbarney

Simpsons Star Wars 04
Abe Kenobi

Simpsons Star Wars 05
Moe’s Cantina

Simpsons Star Wars 06
No Droids

Simpsons Star Wars 08
Bart Skywalker’s Speeder Bike

Simpsons Star Wars 09
Darth Homer Runs Past Ned Solo Frozen In Carbonite

Simpsons Star Wars 10
Darth Homer, Queen Margeidala, Bart Skywalker, Princess Lisa, Yoggie, Rush For Couch. (Note homage to George Lukas’ first movie, THX 1138)

Simpsons Star Wars 11
Simpsons Star Wars Family

Simpsons Star Wars 12
Please don’t sue me!

Possibly Related Posts: Simpsons and Futurama Make Good Anime, The Simpsons Movie Personal Avatars, The Real Simpsons

Kids Tote Machineguns at Canadian Summer Camp

A brilliant viral marketing campaign for War Child Canada, a charity which provides aid to war-affected children, raises awareness of the estimated 250,000 child-soldiers worldwide. Welcome to Camp Okutta, a friendly Canadian kids camp where counselors train kids how to throw grenades, shook AK-47s, and look-out for landmines.

(via trendhunter)

Awards show Virgins!

I’m 25 and I’ve never been awarded. Is something wrong with me?

If you can’t remember your first time or if you still are this might be entertaining for you!

Click this link – Viral Spam-sploitation

How can you exploit the Viral culture to get your brand message out into the world? How do you do that without paying any real money for the videos themselves? I’ll tell you how. Because the latest venture to try and cash in on viral advertising arrived as an e-mail from this morning:

SuperVirals now live!

Get rewarded for your ideas at

SuperVirals is a new website where top brands throw down the gauntlet for you to create cut-through content.

It’s where great ideas see the light of day. No approval committees. No research groups. No crazy deadlines. Just simple one-sentence briefs…

Upload your video, image or audio ideas and, as they get shared across the web, the SuperVirals scoring system decides the winner.

Currently up for grabs is AUD $3,000 in cash and over AUD $6,000 of cool mambo gear, shipped to wherever you are in the world. An aerobatics flight and a skydiving trip are also yours to be won.

Check out now.



So I had a look. The venture is called and works like this: A brave brand gives them a one line brief (eg. “Show how Krazy you are for Krispy Kremes!”) and then unpaid people (insert suckers here) go forth and make viral video that is then sent out into the world in a competitive burst for attention (they encourage the creators to “share yours like crazy”). The winner is determined by who gets the most hits and will be rewarded with the grand prize of AUD $3000 and some gear from Mambo.


It almost sounds like a recipe for success. Encourage people who like to make free content to make it for your client and then hand over a measly couple of bucks if they turn out to be the next Dove Evolution. Low overheads, easy access to talent and except for a few naive geeks losing some time, everybody wins. The perfect business model.

Except for a few details.

I’m not usually this cynical. Really. I love creative people making cool stuff. But is an exploitative business model and if they were making sneakers they’d be harassed by Oxfam. This is from their User Agreement:

By submitting a Content Idea to SuperVirals, you will automatically assign all rights (including intellectual property rights), title and interest in that Content Idea to SuperVirals forever without any payment by us to you or any third party.

You get no compensation at all, ever, they own your materials forever. Your song, your face, your ideas. They could probably sue you if you used your own song. In a worst case scenario, they take your idea, put some budget behind it and turn it into an international TV campaign and you get “zilch”. I realise that most of this is legal stuff is to protect themselves but it hurts content generators. They steal your intellectual property without giving you the most basic of creative rights.

If that weren’t bad enough, by making these Virals officially sanctioned they effectively handcuff creators and turn them into free hit-and-(mostly)miss idea generators who don’t have the resources of even the most basic ad agency. Let me show you what I mean:

A: To help your idea make it through to the live phase of a SuperVirals competition, and to give it the best chance of winning it’s worth sticking to a few simple common sense rules:

  • Don’t diss the brand…
  • Don’t show or encourage anything illegal…
  • Don’t include ANY copyright protected material such as any pre-recorded music and clips from TV or DVDs etc…
  • Do keep your private parts covered up!
  • Don’t be boring!
  • Click here for the SuperVirals Acceptable Content Guidelines.

It’s like you’re WORKING for these guys. I’m a creative in the ad industry and these are the rules I live with! At least I get paid to do this and I get a budget so I can afford to get something like original music (or some semblance of it). They don’t even give you a library to play with.

Here’s my favourite piece of optimism from the FAQ:

Q: Does it cost anything to enter a SuperVirals competition?

A: Nope. Zilch. The brands on the site have paid to tap into your creative talents.

They think someone would be foolish enough to PAY to make an advert? (Not even clients do that 😉 )
Another bothersome aspect of this venture from a consumer position is that they hold all the Virals and then release them in one burst. As if the net were not full of enough crap already, an unlucky few will be inundated with amateur brand work informed by simplistic strategies and with little to no production values all for the same brand! I say unlucky few because the only people who’ll see these ads are friends of the makers and I doubt I know anyone who has that great a need for a free Mambo T-shirt.

I suppose the brands who are using this service have very little to lose. The terms and conditions ensure they decide what they officially associate their brand with and for a few bucks they can side step their usual suppliers and potentially have a big hit. And Bush may apologise for Iraq.

If you have any ideas don’t give them to these guys. For once the traditional advertising industry doesn’t seem all that bad.

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